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Pressure measurement with the Dipping Bell-Primary Pressure Standard class 0.02% F.S.

PTF4000_WBest measurement results for adjustment test and calibration work for low pressures

  • 2 Versions available
  • ±20
  • +40 mbar

Basic principle of the Dipping-Bell
On one side of a balance scale, a hanging (bell-shaped) hollow cylinder (bell) with an exactly known effective cross-sectional area,
immerses in a sealing liquid with low surface tension.
A pressure that is conducted under the dipping bell, results in a lift.
With the help of removing weights from the pan (situated on the other side of the balance scale),
the pressure can be compensated and therefore determined fundamentally. 

This method is based on the basic definition: Pressure equals force divided by area.

HUBER INSTRUMENTE AG has won the has won the public tender of "Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt".
The first - new HUBER dipping bell was delivered in autumn 2015.

pdf-icon-32x32Dipping Bell PTF 4000